If you've got the money and are looking for a great last-second Halloween idea, look no further than the Tesla coil guns in this Old West-style duel below from pslawinski!

Also, while we could be wrong, if you're looking for a great last-second Halloween date, there's a chance that these guys might be single and ready to mingle, ladies...

Also on HuffPost:

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  • '50 Shades Of Grey'

    The best part? Paint samples are free!

  • The Brawny Guy

    Attention men with red flannel shirts: you're just one paper towel purchase away from a great costume.

  • Che Guevara T-Shirt

    This is the greatest thing we've seen since The Onion's <a href="http://store.theonion.com/p-4818-mens-che-wearing-che-t-shirt-t-shirt.aspx" target="_blank">"Che Guevara wearing a Che Guevara T-shirt"</a> T-shirt.

  • Bag Of 'Eminems'

    When in doubt, go with a pun.

  • Grayscale Couple

    No Instagram filter required!

  • Nudist On Strike

    Last minute? Definitely, but it works.

  • Super Tall Guy As Regular-Sized Guy On Stilts

    He's ridiculously tall and he's totally owning it.

  • Every KISS Member At Once

    The hard part is deciding where to look while you're talking to this person.

  • French Kiss

    Speaking of KISS, these two had an even better idea.

  • Tapatío Hot Sauce

    <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tapat%C3%ADo_hot_sauce" target="_blank">Nailed it.</a>

  • Freudian Slip

    Who said pun costumes can't be sexy, too?

  • A Penny

    Honest Abe would be pleased.

  • YouTube Channel

    Even better? It's a PSYCHIC YouTube channel.

  • Leg Lamp From 'A Christmas Story'

    Hands down, the most clever costume for people with one leg.

  • Roller Coaster Riders

    These guys look like a lot of fun.

  • Ginger Bread Man

    Gingers may or may not <a href="http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/gingers-do-have-souls" target="_blank">have souls</a>, but they do have clever costumes.

  • Guy In A Hurricane

    You, sir, are winning at this.

  • ChatRoulette

    We have a feeling someone will "report inappropriate behavior" by the end of the night.

  • Dunkin' Donuts

    Someone get these girls a sponsorship deal.