[<a href="//storify.com/cbccommunity/doctor-who-s-tardis-spotted-in-new-van-gogh-painti" target="_blank">View the story "Doctor Who's TARDIS spotted in 'new' Van Gogh painting" on Storify</a>]<h1>Doctor Who's TARDIS spotted in 'new' Van Gogh painting</h1><h2></h2><p>Storified by <a href="http://storify.com/cbccommunity">CBC News Community</a>· Wed, Sep 11 2013 15:29:23</p><div>When it was <a href="http://www.cbc.ca/news/arts/story/2013/09/09/wrd-van-gogh-painting.html" class="">announced on Monday that one of Vincent Van Gogh's paintings was recently found</a>, <i>Doctor Who</i> fans around the world sat up and took notice as, what appears to be, a TARDIS was spotted in the background.<div><br></div><div>A TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) is a time-travelling machine disguised as a British police box. <br></div></div><div>I h9 the Doctor Who fandom. They're all convinced that the TARDIS is in the newly discovered Van Gogh painting. http://twitter.com/TheMad_Artist/status/377225597111373824/photo/1Geoff Peterson</div><div>the new van gogh painting has a blue thingy at the sideITS A TARDISDOCTOR WHO IS REALWOOOSH WOOSH WOOSHBon Bon (◡‿◡✿)</div><div>Imgur</div><div>The painting <i>Sunset at Montmajour</i>, which depicts trees, bushes and sky in a rolling landscape, had spent decades languishing in an attic in Norway until a museum finally authenticated the artist's masterpiece. </div><div>El museo Van Gogh de Ámsterdam descubre un cuadro del artista pintado en 1888http://cultura.elpais.com/cultura/2013/09/09/actualidad/1378714666_819131.html @elpais_cultura http://twitter.com/el_pais/status/376993680566915072/photo/1EL PAIS</div><div>However the subtle appearance of a small blue box in the upper left-hand corner of the painting fuelled the imagination of Whovians.</div><div>If you carefully in the back left corner of the recently discovered Van Gogh painting, there is a blue box- the TARDIS. Doctor Who is REALRebecca Scott Wolfe</div><div>At the risk of sounding like a nutter, has nobody noticed that the newly discovered Van Gogh painting HAS A FRICKING TARDIS IN IT?Holly Blades</div><div>The link between Van Gogh and the Time Lord comes from a tear-jerking episode of the show entitled <i>Vincent and the Doctor</i>. The Doctor and his faithful companion travel back in time to meet the painter.</div><div>Vincent Van Gogh (BBC Doctor Who: Vincent and the Doctor)infiniteprotem</div><div>I always cry at the Doctor Who episode of "Vincent And The Doctor" where they bring Van Gogh to a modern day art museumMiss Atomic Bomb</div><div>After being influenced by the time-travelling duo, the artist is inspired by their spaceship device and paints the TARDIS in his unique style.</div><div>Van Gogh TARDIS http://twitter.com/DenizzCoskunn/status/377192265816342529/photo/1Deniz Coşkun</div><div>They found a new Van Gogh painting today and I was hoping for was an exploding tardis from Doctor Who, but sadly it was not as cool.nah son, free pie</div><div>I just watched an episode of Doctor Who with Van Gogh and oh my Godthat's was awesomewow http://twitter.com/weyheyallonsy/status/368353915101642752/photo/1The Knight Abaddon</div><div>This connection between the show and the newfound painting blew the collective minds of the Whoniverse. </div><div>There's a Tardis in the back of the Van Gogh painting that was recently discovered! That episode of Doctor Who is real!!Rigo Aczon</div><div>@jordaustin NEW VAN GOGH PAINTING HAS THE TARDIS! OMG http://twitter.com/RaianKaitou/status/377786753240674304/photo/1高木怪盗</div><div>The newly discovered Vincent Van Gogh painting is mind blowing! THE TARDIS!!!Danael©Palma</div><div>my teacher showed us that van gogh painting today and zoomed in on that building that looks like the tardis and played the doctor who themeHeremy Jellickson</div><div>i want the mysterious blue thing in the newly discovered van gogh painting to be the tardispaige tanner</div><div>Newly discovered Vincent Van Gogh painting "Sunset at Montmajour". Remember the episode of Doctor Who "Vincent and the Doctor", what if it really happened? Because that blue building in the back looks slightly like the TARDIS I'm just saying, maybe the Doctor is real. #DoctorWho #VincentVanGogh #TARDISthealexa85</div><div>And, of course, there were a few out there who felt that the object in question was a bit of a stretch of the imagination.</div><div>Sorry #Whovians but in Van Gogh's 'Sunset at Montmajour' it's not the Tardis, it's a blue building.Devon</div><div><b>What do you think of the new painting? Do you think the blue object looks like The Doctor's TARDIS? </b><div><b>Feel free to leave your comments below.</b></div></div>
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