Remaking the horror classic "Carrie" might be scary enough for some people, but replacing Sissy Spacek with Gary Busey? Now there's something that will give you nightmares.
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Drive By Clown Photobomb
The most challenging and creepiest kind.
Being kissed by death and photobombed, this can't be a good omen.
Watch Out
Seriously, I think he's going to attack.
Another Clown
More nightmare fuel.
He Has The Spotlight
And the creepiest expression.
Prom Photobomb
He may not have a date, but with this photobomb it's a successful night.
His mom told him that he could brighten the world with his smile.
Get. Out. Of. There.
Girl's Night!
But, we have no idea who that is.
Dance Party!
These moves are really upsetting him.
The Happy Couple
She should've been mine.
Through The Looking Glass
You guys might want to look behind you.
Class Clown
Look out, Kyle, there is a demon behind you.
Laughing With Friends
Not so funny anymore, is it?
Angry Bartender
Is going to eat them alive...but first he'll get their tips.
Best Friends!
And their enemy.
The Beauty Of Nature
Ruined by an evil forest creature.
A Blossoming Friendship
That Tim is not happy about.
Cat Craze
This girl is obsessed!
Going Stag
You should've said yes, Tina. You should've said yes.
Look out. He's going to eat your face.
Satan Photobombs
She's got the devil on her shoulder.
We're # 1
He is not.
This Little Piggy Photobomb
Don't worry, that's just Paris Hilton's date.
More Evil Clown
He just wants to be included.
Bowling Over With Excitement
A photobomb that will not end well.
Jump Shot
Overly excited and completely terrifying.
Beauty And The Beast
Dad should put on a shirt.
Caught Red Handed
He's got the face of a killer.
Girl Troubles
I was talking to her first, man.
Hair Envy
Hey, you took my moustache!
Off To The Races
Or so they thought.
Satan, is that you?
It may be Halloween, but this photobomb is horrifying.
Halloween Night
Green Man got a little too hopped up on sugar.
Date Night
You're not alone.
Girl From The Ring Bomb
Lot of TVs for her to crawl out of in this bar.
Middle School Valedictorian
He wasn't supposed to beat me.
Posing With Palm Trees
And some hidden locals.
Costume Party
Got a little too crazy.
Mother, Daughter
And the son that doesn't fit in.
He doesn't like bangs.
Everyone's Drunk Anyway Bomb
Can't really blame him.
The Lunch Crew!
Shouldn't have made fun of Tommy for that tuna fish sandwich.
She's angry about being the third wheel.
Go away forever!
A smile that says, "Dance with me...please?!"
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