Guy Johnson says he is often asked what it's like to be Dr. Maya Angelou's son. In this clip from "Super Soul Sunday" on OWN, he shares his experience being raised by the woman hailed as one of the most influential voices of our time. Did Johnson, a writer and author himself, ever feel he was growing up in her shadow?

"No, I didn't," he says in the video. "I grew up in her light. Sometimes I wasn't worthy of it, but it has always been an experience that expanded me."

"She thinks that the divine hand is in all things," he continues. "She has faith that's like a rock -- you can stand on it. She speaks to our humanity and she reminds us that we are both brother and sister to the rest of the human race."

"Keep on speaking, Ma," Johnson says. "We need the lessons, the beautiful poems, books, movies, dances, celebrations and love."

Also during the episode, Oprah asked Angelou what she is most proud of. "My greatest blessing has been the birth of my son," she responded. "My next greatest blessing has been my ability to turn people into children of mine."

"Super Soul Sunday" airs Sundays at 11 a.m. ET on OWN.

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