Once upon a time, Lil Bub -- the world's favorite female cat-nomenon -- granted a wish to the first caller on her web series, "Lil Bub’s Big Show." That caller was Kelley Deal, the lead guitarist of '90s alternative rock band, The Breeders. The wish was for Bub to play and produce a real song with Ms. Deal.

As you can see in the video above, it happened, and now the internet is free to cease existing forever. Not only can you buy "Shirtcrush," the Bub/Deal collaboration, on iTunes, you can also follow this music-meets-adorable-cats gem with last week's "Lil Bub's Big Show" episode, featuring the one and only Steve Albini.

We will not judge you for watching this on repeat throughout the day. Happy Friday, everyone.

h/t Consequence of Sound

Earlier on HuffPost:

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