The millions of people who chose to wear purple today -- October 17, Spirit Day -- are taking a stand against bullying and showing support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth.

In the video clip above, Shane Bitney Crone, whose heartbreaking video tribute to his late partner, Tom Bridegroom, went viral on YouTube, explains why wearing purple today holds a huge amount of weight.

Growing up in Montana, Crone says there wasn't anything like Spirit Day when he was in school. "I wish there was a day like Spirit Day, where it's cool to show you're OK with people being different," he says in the video. "You're OK with everyone being true to who they are. I'm just so glad that a day like Spirit Day exists now, because I think it really would have helped me."

Wearing purple, he explains, is more than a small gesture. "I'm telling you, it does [help], and I've heard from people that it helps them," Crone says. "If anything, just feel good about showing people that it's OK to be gay, it's OK to be who you are."

Crone is featured in the documentary "Bridegroom," which tells the story his relationship with his partner, Tom Bridegroom. After Bridegroom died in a tragic accident in 2011, Crone was completely ostracized by his partner's family members and found himself without any of the rights or protections a spouse would have under marriage laws. "Bridegroom," airing Oct. 27 on OWN, is a love story that opens a window into the issue of marriage equality and human rights.

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  • Connecticut

    Since November 12, 2008

  • Delaware

    Gay marriage law <a href="" target="_blank">enacted</a>, weddings to begin July 1.

  • Iowa

    Since April 3, 2009

  • Maine

    In 2012, Maine voted in favor of a ballot amendment to legalize gay marriage.

  • Maryland

    The gay marriage bill was signed into law by Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) on March 1, 2012. Opponents later gathered enough signatures to force the issue back onto the ballot in November 2012, but voters rejected the effort against gay marriage.

  • Massachusetts

    Since May 17, 2004

  • Minnesota

    Same-sex marriage bill signed into law in May. Gay marriages will begin in August.

  • New Hampshire

    Since January 1, 2010

  • New York

    Since July 24, 2011

  • Rhode Island

    Bill passed in May. Law takes effect on August 1, 2013.

  • Vermont

    Since September 1, 2009

  • Washington

    On February 13, 2012, Gov. Christine Gregoire (D) signed a law allowing same-sex marriage ceremonies to begin on June 7, 2012. The process was delayed by gay marriage opponents who gathered enough signatures to put the issue up to a state vote in November 2012. They voted to approve it on Election Day.

  • Washington D.C.

    Since March 9, 2010

  • California

    The state initially began conducting gay marriages on June 16, 2008. On November 5, 2008, however, California voters passed Proposition 8, which amended the state's constitution to declare marriage as only between a man and a woman. In 2013, the Supreme Court ruled against that law, and the state shortly thereafter began sanctioning same-sex nuptials.